Thursday, June 2, 2011

Laundry Romance

I hate laundry. I don't mind doing the dishes, vacuuming and picking up are alright, but laundry! The devils advocate. Whenever I finally finish all the laundry, the baskets are already filled with new cloths for me to wash. I have tried doing it ritually at a time of the week. I have tried to do a small batch once a day, but it just never stops. Dishes you can do in an hour max! Laundry takes all day or all week in my case. I have tried to make it fun by hanging the laundry outside, but I don't have enough space on the string or hooks. I try to always have a movie on when I fold, but three movies later I am still working on the folding and putting away. I am not thrilled for when I have to do an extra bit of laundry for our next child and if we so choose a third child. I just might say we are done at two kids just so I don't have to do an extra load of laundry!
Logan HATES Laundry too. Especially when he is part of it.


Alyssa said...

Ohh I hear ya! It is even worse when you have a throw up baby like Korbin.. he goes through many outfits a day as do we. I am always doing a load or two of laundry.

Melissa Clark said...

Ha ha! How you feel for laundry I feel for dishes. My laundry gets folded fresh out of the dyer (on a good day) But those dang dishes keep creeping up and make me want to run and scream! :)